Monday, 4 November 2013

DIY Bedside table sky

We have finally moved into our new house, yay!
 It has been hectic (which is why I had abandoned my blog) but we have now managed to find a place for every random little object and even started decorating...Or to be honest I started decorating first as I could not wait to paint and could not be bothered with tidying up...

My bedside table DIY started with a trip to Ikea, where I bought Tarva, which is made of pine wood and it costs 42 euros; it's not the cheapest bedside table but the other ones looked really flimsy and didn't have much storage space, so Tarva it was.

I painted it with a white coating, sanded it a little to get a smoother finish, then painted two layers of a water based light blue/turquoise varnish.

I then drew a cloud shape on a piece of paper and then copied it on plastic, I didn't have any proper material so for the stencil I used a plastic folder that I had lying around, it was a bit flimsy but it did its job, my boyfriend suggested using cardboard, which is stiffer but I was worried it would go soggy when painted and lose its definition, so the plastic  folder it was...

I then cut out some rough pieces of paper and taped them where I wanted the stencils to go, in order to get a clear idea of how many clouds to have and how to arrange them.
In this stage I decided I wanted to make another, smaller, cloud stencil, to have a bit more variation, so I repeated the process for the smaller cloud shape.

And finally the fun part! I got a cheap kitchen sponge and poured very little paint in the white paint lid which i used to dip my sponge, then with my boyfriend holding the stencil I started sponging the paint on. I could have used tape to hold the stencil (or a firmer material) but it was faster to get him to hold it...

We repeated the process for all the sides and let it dry.

Aaaand this was the final result! I'm really pleased with it and I think it came out quite well considering the use of very "creative" tools due to the lack of materials in the house...

So to summarize the materials I used were:

-wooden (paintable) bedside table
-white base coat varnish
- light blue water based varnish
-white water based varnish
-plastic folder

The thing I like about the table is that it's a simple design which would look good in a child's bedroom as well as in a grown up's like me :)

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