Monday 14 October 2013


Another thing that I can't stand here in Italy is driving.

I have a 30 minute journey to work and back every day and IT. IS. HELL.

While in the UK there is a very useful thing known as RULES, here in Italy they are latent, probably been written and then put somewhere to be forgotten and ignored and below I have compiled a list of the street signs and their meaning as it appears by the behaviour of italian drivers.

Zebra crossings:

-parking spot
-crossings for scooters and small cars

Traffic lights:

-pretty decorations; probably put there for Christmas and never taken down.


-parking spaces, no need to be too near the curb either

No parking areas:

-parking areas

Stop signs:

-weirdly shaped decorations

One way signs:

-one way signs apply to cars but not to scooters or cyclists who may go the wrong way as they please

Italians also have a different culture for some car parts:


-speech aid to be used freely whenever one fancies


-embellishments to the car, possibly to be used during the holidays? Or maybe to indicate the belonging to a political party? No other use comes to mind.


- a useful tool that allows to park in the middle of the road blocking traffic while one pops to the shop to buy things, without having to go and find appropriate parking space, such as roundabouts and zebra crossings.

This my friends, is why I love driving Italian style.


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