Monday 14 October 2013


One thing that really makes me miss England is mosquitoes, or rather the lack of them.

I have just spent a sleepless night because of those horrible creatures, buzzing and stinging all night; while they are present in the UK, here in Italy there are an extortionate amount and they don't disappear until mid winter. I HATE THEM.

The only products that seem to be on the market are extremely toxic candles and diffusers that don't seem to stop them anyway... I also don't want to wrap my bed and myself in a fish net and feel like a freshly made sausage.

 The only options left to get rid of those devils are to move to the north pole or  try to combat nature with nature; for now I have opted for option two and as soon as we move in our new flat I will fill every corner with Citronella, Lemongrass, and Lavander plants, these allegedly keep bugs away when placed near windows and doors...if this doesn't work the worst thing that can happen is that our house will smell nice!

I will post the results as soon as possible and if anyone out there in the cyberspace has tried and tested any of these plants please do let me know!

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